“Wow! Batman is... um who are you again?"
“This isn't real it's only a dream." I tell him.
“Oh yeah... I need to stop eating pizza before bed." He moans.
That was easy; I'd better put on my mask before someone else sees me without it. I use the transporter back to Earth then I return to Gorham, where Alfred decides to play mother hen.
“Master Bruce you were crushed you need to take it easy for a few days, perhaps brag about The Dark Knight's success?"
" Hn. Alfred I'm not Stark. Besides Robin, and Jason are is missing... I need to find them."
“You need to relax after such an experience sir, not beating up muggers that are way too stressful."
Staying here is what's stressful. At least the Titans are gone looking for Robin like I should be doing. Maybe this won't be so bad... what the? Damn it Cassandra put some clothes on!
That's it! I'm off to beat muggers, and whoever asks me what I’ve done to desrve the Steakhouse Burger that's how I relive stress after that I'm finding Both Robins, The lost one, and the good one.
Wowee wow wow! That gal is hotter than an M41A Pulse Rifle after firing a full load on full auto.
Can I have her number?
How annoying for you that Cassandra walks around naked!
I think I'm going to make Cassanda an honorary X-Man.
(slaps forehead) I should have dated an ugly girl. I Have t wonder if those kids in the future are really mine.
Is it really that easy to convince people that they haven't seen you without your mask?
Hudson: NO!
Captain Picard: it is.
Professor X: No.
Vincent: Then break up with her now.
Ciera : That only works on Hudson.
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