Sunday, April 20, 2008

Cain goes home.

We found Bruce Cain; oddly he was in the morgue hovering over the body of Black Mask. Why is he still in the Morgue? He was killed over a year ago. I look at it and oddly the body has a gun shot whole in the forehead, what is Jim Gordon letting them do in here?

Then a thought came to my mind, zombies? I hope not I really hate zombies. I push that thought to the back of my head. “Bruce it’s time for you to return home."

" Heh. No matter what time I'm in you always want to get rid of me Grandpa."

I ignore that. “You’ve killed way too many people, to be allowed to go free. I'm sorry Bruce you have to pay for your crimes."

He laughs. "Any 'crime' I committed was undone by the Dragon Balls. I asked the dragon to restore anyone I've killed that didn't deserve it. I've had a change of heart I changed my history and am no longer the same person..."

I stop him." You being here disrupts the timeline."

He punches me out the window of the morgue. "Bah! I go where I want to go."

Terry flies in to Cain. “If you've hurt him... "

Cain kicks McGuiness off of him. “Don’t worry he's only bruised. I don't kill family , lucky for you Terry."

What does he mean by that? I'm still adopting kids however many years into the future Bruce comes from? Hh Forget about that I have to worry about defeating this saiyan.

It turns out a boy with Saiyan powers, super strength and speed, along with Cassandra's is rather hard to defeat. What's worse, he knows how I work I reach for my belt and he blasts at me before I can use Sonics, or sleeping gas.

I leap over the blast and he grabs me and tears off the belt then tosses me across the alley. “Enough of your toys gramps."

Terry fires those Batrangs from his suit. Cain dodges them oddly he has the same look on his face Cass does when she dodges bullets. He then blasts Terry in such a way to destroy his suit, but not Terry.

“Last Warning you two! Back off!"

Terry looks over to me “Any ideas?"

“Always. The things against us he’s as powerful as Superman his first language is body language he knows what we're going to do before we do. But we do have an advantage for whatever reason he won't go all out against us, I need a distraction so I can get to my belt."

Almost as if on cue Wolverine pops up and yells " You and, me are gonna talk about why ya didn't give Ana backup!"

Wolverine again? This guy is worse than obsessed ex girlfriend. (Stop calling me Talia!) It doesn't matter when he tries to jump over, and slash me Cain backhands him away. "Don't you touch him Rodent!"

Logan makes a swipe at Cain "Why do ya care saiyan?"

Cain grabs Logan's arm and slams it into the mutant's chest. “This is a family spat Freak!"

While Cain was blasting Logan I run over and grab the belt, I find the tranq gas capsules and toss enough to knock out a herd of elephants. Cain passes out.

We leave Wolverine to heal in the alley. I really don't have time to deal with his whining right now. Terry drags Cain to a clearing then smiles. “When the time comes doesn’t be such a bastard to me huh?"

" Hn. I can't guarantee that, If you are to survive in the Mean streets of Gotham you need to be tough."

He rolls his eyes you never did change did you?" he pushes a button on his belt and vanishes. Well that's one less problem stalking around, now to take care of Iron Man.

Meanwhile in the Future Terry appears in New Gotham. “Okay Cain let's get you to the cave Ibn Al Xu'ffach. Is going to have a fit when he knows you're back. Hope the LOA still considers you the true heir to their leadership, or The Old Man's plan is going to go down hill fast. That and if you'll cooperate.

All of the sudden the two are surrounded. “Good work Batman! Now turn over Mr. Cain to us."

“And who the frak are you?" Terry asks.

“We’re the Chronal law enforcement agency, Cain here created a major disruption in the Timeline one that's having ripple effects all up and down the time stream, Cain wake up! You are under arrest!"

As they pull Cain away Terry growls “Crap! Wayne isn't going to like this."


Anonymous said...

Logan can be a pest at times but he is alright, he is just mourning

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Ripple in the timeline? More like a tsunami!