Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Family squabbles

The Riddler sent me a note by way of Commissioner Gordon. You see he's on my side now, but instead of a calling me, and telling me where a crime will happen he still sends me riddles. Idiot.

So I pretty much have this solved when the kids start yelling in the Bat Cave. “You did it Cass! Admit it!"

"Nuh- uh!"

"Nightwing's right you did to!"


Grahhh! Stupid sidekicks! Why is Nightwing even here anyway? I go down to the cave to find all three of them fighting.

“Stop this now!" I order." What's going on?"

“Cass stole all the cookies! That Alfred baked!" Robin yells.

“I did not! They were just gone ...a second after I ... saw them."

I shake my head." Hh. Let's take a look at the scene of the crime."

The only sign I found of the cookies in question was one that was half eaten. I take something out of my belt. “Cassandra take a bite out of this."

“Um...why?" She takes a look at it." It’s gooey." She bites it any way.

“It’s to make a dental impression Cass. I compare the impression to the cookie. “From this impression I can safely say Batgirl didn't bite this cookie, and that she needs to floss more."

“Who did?" Nightwing asks.

All of the sudden Bat-Mite appears in front of all of us.

Why? Why does this freak stalk me? I wonder if I can get a restraining order from 5th dimensional imps?

“Hey bat crew!' he announces.

Cassandra answers with “you’re ugly."

“This coming from a girl that wears a full face mask?"

“Want to borrow...it? You need it more than I do." She responds. Since when does she does she make cracks? Not really a bad one either."

Wing what's wrong?"

Oh great he's having a flashback to the last time Bat-Mite appeared to him when he was Robin.

What was worse was Wally "Kid Flash” West yelling "get a room!"

“Aww he missed me." Bat-Mite smiles. “And we can all have fun adventures all the time! Now what are some silly old cookies compared to having me around all the time?"

The kids look at each other for a second then yell “get him!" simultaneously. As they start beating him I turn away.

" Bruce help!" The weirdo begs.

“No." I respond simply. “Alfred if you don't mind can you bake another batch of cookies? And maybe clean up the mess after the kids are done with Bat-Mite."

“Very good sir." And he made some kind of remark about "pests” and” bug spray."

Bat-Mite shrieks “My spleen!" before vanishing

Dick yells “keep your hands to yourself!" To the smoke.

Hh. I should look into getting some kind of Bat-Mite repellant. I mean I have Shark repellant; at least I could actually have a use for Bat- Mite repellant.


Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Ew Bat-mite slipped Robin the tongue

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Three superheroes squabbling over cookies! Whatever next?

Batman said...

Jon: Looks like. Poor Robin.

Jean Luc: In their defense, Alfred does make really good cookies.