Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Prankster kids!

Robin is back from rehab. He seems much better now. He was telling me about How he was going to train the Titans. I must say I am a little disappointed that the two teams didn't do battle, but eh, I'll just review footage of any battles they have in the future.

I'm still working on the ninja case. Although I did decide to go to tonight's Justice League meeting. I'm going to bring up my concerns about The Question mentoring no wait that's not the right word . I believe the right word is warping young minds.

I ask Robin if he wants to be teleported to Titans' Tower from the Watchtower. " Sure just let me load up on Batarangs."

He goes down the corridor of the cave when I hear the unmistakable sound of a Batarang flying past me. Then a "thunk!" sound. And the sound of shattering glass. The voice of Spoiler yelling " Bonus Points! you knocked him into the Jason Todd Memorial Cass!"

I ran towards it to find this scene.

" Cassandra! Stephanie! This is immature behavior is why I didn't want you going out on your own! This isn't our way! retaliation is the saiyan way!"

The voice of a young man with a slight Californian accent comes from behind me. " What would you know of saiyans?"

I turn on the kid who looks like a taller skinnier version of Vegeta. Especially since he's now wearing the armor.

" I don't know Vincent." I smile, You see while fighting in the saiyan War I learned they have a weakness. With a fluid motion I grab his tail. When I did this to the invading saiyans they passed out from pain, But Vincent keeps staring at me with that damned smirk.

" And what exactly are you trying to do? For what it's worth I tried to talk these two out of this. I have have no problem with Tim, In fact I owe him, but hey you try to change the minds of two women once they set them on something."

His tail slips out of my hand, and it wraps around his waist. Damn it! I bet the grabbing the tail strategy wouldn't work on Vegeta either. The kid smiles at me then disappears when I blink I feel something happen to my cape and mask then the wind rushes out of the cave.

He must have taken Cassandra and Stephanie with him. I must admit, I am a little impressed they were able to get in to the cave without the sensors detecting them.

I look down at Tim. " Are you ok?"

" Yes." He stares at me rubs his eyes then looks at me again." Then again maybe not. I'll have myself checked over the Tower. "

Robin's reaction to me wasn't the only strange reaction I received. Some of the JLA support staff were looking at me strangely. When I go into the main meeting room, the flash spits coffee all over the place. " So Bats? Do you feel pretty oh so Pretty?"

" What are you talking about Flash?" I ask, as Wonder Woman Walks past me. " Merciful Minerva!" She exclaims before laughing.

Superman grins. " And I thought my blue energy phase was bad. "

" What?!" I yell. Green Lantern creates a mirror while snickering, I'm actually surprised Hal went five minutes without hitting his head on something long enough to do that. I look in it and see.....

Damn it! Vincent's parents are definitely going to hear about this!


Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Oh Batman, you look gorgeous.

Superman said...


Kid Flash said...

I think you look very pretty, but the bows are the wrong color. It's too garish, and you should've toned down the mascara. But other then that, you're on the right track.

Batman said...

Glad your all enjoying this. Hnh.