Wednesday, August 29, 2007


It looks like another Crisis is coming. I just got over the last one. How do I know you may ask? Well first I saw this on my television.

Nothing that horrible can be on television with out it being some portent of the end of days.

And second I found this in the Batcave.

Batmen, Robins, Batgirls Batwomen, Catwomen, and others from the past, or other Universes. ( I'm kind of wondering about the Universe that Giant Batman In the back is from.)

Then this made me think for more than a year now I've been accused of having some kind of obsession with Vampirella. Though I would admit she is attractive, I don't really trust meta humans. Especially blood sucking alien ones.

I just thought this was some kind of impersonator. But what if it's me, but from another reality. I don't like the implications. HHH. Looks Like I have to track this person down , and if he's from another reality put him back there.

Right after I do that to everyone in the cave. This could take a while.


Jean-Luc Picard said...

The Batcave definately needs tidying up.

Optimus Prime said...

I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots and I must say that you have a lot of people there in your "Bat-Cave." I completely understand, too, sometimes I have to send Autobots off into missions in space just to get a little elbow-joint room in the Ark.

Justice said...

Yeah right.. we know the truth

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't you try to find out how they got there?

TX said...

According to your Internet subscriptions

you have been downloading lots of pictures and vampirella merchandise

Vella said...

Well i don't know guys Cass says Bats is telling the truth. She's a hummna lie detector, and can tell what if your telling the truth by body language, my poor poor brother.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

You do have a lot of people there, I hope you have enough Bat-Bunks with Bat-Blankets for everyone.

Batman said...

Captian Picard: Yes it does.

Optimus: Not a bad idea.

Justice: The truth is I'more intersted in keeping Gotham and thew world safe.

Galen: Working on it.

TX: one word,: Nightwing.

Vella: Hh,

Jon: I had to do that for a few days .