Umm I ..Guess.
You don't have to do this my dear.
No I...Want too.
Um Hmmm I guess... I should talk about my um .....visit.... To Bludhaven this morning. I used a um teleporter To get there, I didn't want Vincent there. If I had mentioned Zero... he might get mad.
Or maybe not...Me and him only kissed not like um Conner. Cassie Sandsmark.. That was before you .. and it was once.. It will never happen again. And Vincent? Stop trying.. to fight him.
I .. wish I hadn't gone .. there. Everyone I knew is ashes. . Another reason.. to hate Slade. Don't know maybe I'll just talk about Something else? Alfred?
" If you wish Mistress."
I would like to think Raven for offering me the reading lessons.. I can't wait to begin. I hope you don't.. mind my boyfriend being at the .. tower. Hopefully He .. won't fight anyone.. and I thought I liked fighting. And he eats like I do.
That brings me to Tim. I thank you .. for um getting me to meet him. Bruce thanks there is some kind of.. secret reason you did it. I like to think that you thought we'd go well together. I wish Nightwing would quit threatening him,and Conner.
Batman don't worry about me .. I can take care of myself. Conner please stop fighting with my boy. Or would you like .. to meet my gloves again? I guess I'm finished Alfred.
I really need to get a butler for the X-Men.
Huh. Way to go Alf. And Say hi back to her for me.
Oh and also i won't get mad about about some dead guy especially with some loser name like "Zero"
I'll stop threatening Conner, but Cass you're my little sister. How could I NOT threaten him.
Did you remember to feed the bats>
Visit me this week!
Hey Prof, how come the Avengers get a butler but the X-men don't?
Professor: Alfred says: I belive I can get you in touch with some friens of mine
Cass: Hello.
Prince Vincent. :Alfred I will extend Your greetings to the mistress But not your callous disrespect for the dead, that is far below your station your royalty act like it.
Cass: Hi... I'll wear Barbra's costume.. on our next date...
Nightwing:Alfred: Very good Master Richard.
Cass: I'm so happy you care... I thought evreyone hated me... yes I fed them.
Robin: Alfred No need to yell Master Timothy.
Cass: OK!
JonIG: I do suspect it would have something to do with that beastly Wolverine.
Cass: LGS Is... cool .. GO Conner!
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