Sunday, December 2, 2007

More family troubles

I had been considering for some time creating a team as to take the fight to villians and investigate menaces before they become a true danger. I did not want the JLA knowing this because they are too reactionary.

I had considered the Outsiders , But Nightwing Pulled a temper tantrum really. he rolled on the floor screaming. So I decided to just create my own.

For the investigation Side I recruited the Question. For his investigative skills though they are less than mine he has more time on his hands than I do.

Alfred chimes in. " And he just happens to be insane Master Bruce. A while a go he told me that fluoride is to make teeth show up on surveillance satellites. "

" Or does he want you to believe he is insane? That is the Question."

" Please Master Bruce don't take up his habits."

He recruited Son Goku Who is strong resilient, a great martial artist, and has a telportaion ability.

" And he ate all supplies for next month Master Bruce."

A Spider -Man Clone called the Scarlet Spider.

Alfred rolls his eyes. " He goes from telling bad jokes to whining about how bad his life is constantly."


" Master Bruce did the dates with Princess Diana not go well?"

" Diana is a professional and knows not to be jealous."

" And the JLA doesn't know about this? So what Wonder Woman doesn't know won't hurt you?"

" I'm not dating Catwoman!"

And finally the reason Tim is mad at me, Supergirl, though I suggested she wear her black costume so people can think there are two Supergirls again, and for some odd reason Kon-El is hanging around. Though I told him I didn't want him on the team. Hh. Perhaps he just wants to be trained.

I don't know if Timwas mad because he thought I stole his little friend,Conner, or because I did recruit from his team, and I'm not in the mood for teenage angst. He throws a tin of cookies at my head didn't do more than annoy me since I was wearing my mask with all the armor in it.

Conner started picking up the cookies and eating them. And he wants to be on my team. Well he's not and that's that.

Then Robin goes into a diatribe about how all the Bat family's troubles are my fault. " The reason Why Dick is not Robin any more is because he outgrew it, And wanted to be his own man." I correct.

" Jason disobeyed me not because of me but his own arrogance. Cassandra moved to West City, Well that's partially your fault isn't it? You introduced her to that alien hybrid thing that she has decided to live closer to, also in this case she let her hormones override her brain.

Stephanie's own stupidity caused the War Games. She stole my files and caused many innocent deaths."

He then starts yelling how he would never be me. " Of course not I wouldn't have acted like this at your age."

He starts saying how I haven't been a good father to him and How I should have discussed taking Supergirl off his team. " And when could I have done that? When your busy being drunk? Or when your not answering my calls? How about when you run around here on stimulants and making a fool of yourself? HALF THE TIME I CAN'T EVEN TALK TO YOU BECAUSE YOUR ON SOMETHING, THE OTHER HALF YOU WANT TALK TO ME!"

He runs out sobbing and left the mansion. Alfred went after him. Too bad he wasn't the only adopted son of mine who has some kind of problem. Richard has De aged to about an eight year old. Though the Question for some reason saw him as a grown man.

Which confirms my theory that he has some kind of shamanistic ability. Or Alfred's that he's completely insane.

" Holy awkward moment Batman! What was that all about?"

I have to think like my younger self when around him. I freak him out too much when I act like 34 year old Batman. So I have to remember how I was when I was 21. I was more optimistic, and I smiled more. but when I tried that Conner shouts " Rao! he's baring his teeth at the kid !"

" Conner go home! Your staying on the Titans!"

" Yeah after seein' how ya treat your own kids I'm glad ta have Rob lead me." He waves at my recruits. " Good luck you all. Your gonna need it."

" What's going on?" Richard whines.

" We'll find out old chum." Why did I used to talk like that?" How would you like to help me with with some tests?"

I put him through a whole battery of tests. Soon I'll hope to find out if this is The Richard we know deaged or one from an alternate reality. While I'm waiting for the results I go to find Alfred, or Tim.

I get the Batmobile a few miles down the road when someone jumps into the way and grabs the Batmobile.

I open the door. " Bruce Cain, I thought we would meet at some point. So what do you want?"

" The Cain Boy is in here, and he resents you for never accepting him Detective. "

The way he says "Detective?" " Ra's? Ra's Al Ghul?"

"Yes" After a fierce battle he defeats me with his pure strength. But I note something before I'm knocked out his fighting ability is all Ra's and none of the ability Cassandra would train into a child of hers, though I still doubt that story of this saiyan coming from the future."

I wake up chained without my utility belt and Talia staring at me sadly. Another fine mess...


Jean-Luc Picard said...

Chained up without a utlity belt is no fun. The Enterprise Christmas Party is under way!

Robin said...

I just want a dad!

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Oh the trauma!

You need to find some young wards who arne't all angsty.

TX said...

I could be your Mom robin >:)

Batman said...

Captian Picard: It was a nice party we had fun.

Robin: You knew what you were getting into when you put on that costume.

Jon: tell me about it.

TX: I don't any implication I get from that.